
Friday, May 31, 2019

After Berries

It took some time, but we did find some berries to eat. They weren't exactly tasty, but it was something and I was thankful for that. It was nice to have some sort of food in my belly. Despite how loveable the baby elephant was, we both knew we couldn't get too attached to him. He was not ours to keep, and so we had to make our way to the entrance or some sort of clearance where we could be found.

Friday, April 5, 2019

Take Time

We knew we had to complete our mission, but we were never told when. That being said, we decided to take our time. We became fast friends with the baby elephant.  It led us here and there. Usually it was in in big circles, but it was always somehow fun. The only problem was hunger was quickly setting in. The three of us had to somehow find food.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Keep Him

Olivia spent the majority of the morning playing with the baby elephant.
He seemed to take a great shine to us, but I knew we couldn't get too attached. "You know, he's not ours to keep." I tell Olivia. She sighs. "I know. So what now?" "Now, we return him." "But how?" Olivia asks. "What do you mean how?" "The man with the grey hair, did he give us a phone number or any way we can contact him?" I shake my head. "No." "Then how will he know if we found the elephant?"I shrug. "I don't know. He made it seem like he'd automatically know." Olivia nods. "Them let's hope he takes his sweet time getting to us."

Friday, March 1, 2019

Campfire Heart

Minutes after we set up camp a powerful tired came over me. The kind of tired that affects one's body, mind, and spirit.  I closed my eyes. While I slept, the baby elephant founds its way to us. Olivia was barely awake herself, but she managed to keep the elephant by us. How'd she do It? Well, Olivia made a little heart appear out of her palm. She didn't have it shoot out of her hand this time.Rather, it grew out of her palm slowly. It was a little pink heart at first. However, in time it grew to the size of a camp fire. The baby elephant gazed at the heart in wide eyed amazement throughout the night. Now, I am happy to say that it is the next day and the baby elephant is still with us. We completed the first part of our mission. We just have to find a way out of this strange amusement park.

Friday, February 22, 2019

"Be vewy quiet"

I can't help but feel like Elmer Fudd as we track this elephant. "Be vewy quiet." Of course we are not hunting the elephant, but rather trying to catch it. It is tricky. The baby elephant has impressive hearing, and it can run fast. Anytime we are remotely close it jets off in the opposite direction. Finally we came up with a brilliant idea, or at least an idea. Instead of chasing after the elephant we'd set up camp and patiently wait for it to come to us.

Friday, February 15, 2019

Trumpet Sounds

Toot!Toot! We followed the trumpet sounds of a baby elephant. Toot! Toot! The trumpet sounds grew louder and louder untill finally we were face to face with the baby elephant. It was jumping and splashing in a mud puddle. I could tell it was having a blast. Truth be told, I didn't want to spoil its fun, but at the same time Olivia and I were on a mission. So I walked up to the elephant slowly and carefully. Unfortunately I wasn't slow or careful enough. I stepped on a twig. As soon as the baby elephant heard the snap, he ceased his joyful playing and ran in the opposite direction.

Friday, February 8, 2019


Errrrrack! "What the hell was that?" Olivia asks. "I don't know. It sounded like something dying." I reply. I look up to see a rusted pterodactyl statue suspended by wires. I nudge Olivia and point to the pterodactyl. She glances at it for a moment. "Well, in a way you were right. It is something that's dying." I smile. "Indeed." "How do you think they figured that noise for it?" "They probably thought it sounded terrifying." I suggest. Olivia thinks for a moment. "I think it would be more terrifying without the noise. Can you imagine that thing sneaking up behind you silently?" "I don't think I want to." I say. "No, me either." We walk on. "Were there elephants during the time of the dinosaurs?" Olivia asks. "No, they came a little later." "Then what's that?" It takes me a second, but I then see clear as day what Olivia is referring to. I stop dead in my tracks. "Well, one thing is for sure. It's not a statue."

Friday, January 25, 2019

Banksy Installation

I don't know if I mentioned it, but the dinosaur theme park is actually an abandoned theme park. A long abandoned theme park. From what I can gather the idea of the place was that one walk a short distance down the path and there would be robotic dinosaurs that would peak out here and there. They would roar their mechanical roars. It sounds great, but the years since have not been kind to the place. The forest has grown to wild proportions. There isn't even a faint outline of a path anymore. We did see one dinosaur though. A long necker. It was peaking out of the trees. It had orange rust stains and was covered in bird droppings. It was weird. I kept thinking I was in a Banksy art installation. It was like it was supposed to mean something. What, I have no idea. Oh well, time to find a baby elephant.

Friday, January 11, 2019

The Mission

We were briefed on our mission which was to rescue a baby elephant. The baby elephant was supposed to be a gift for a rich family, but the elephant never made it to them. It got lost in a dinosaur theme park. The man with the silver hair said there was no time to explain details. Such as why this elephant is so important. He didn't even explain how we're supposed to capture the baby elephant. I don't really care though. I look forward to this new adventure.

Friday, January 4, 2019

No Effect

We stared into his unflinching grey eyes for close to an hour. Eventually Olivia called it. "Looks liked you survived." Olivia says. "I told you they were not poisonous." He replies. Olivia shrugs. "You could have built up an immunity.Like that guy in Princess Bride." It is obvious that the man is frustrated, but he holds his tounge. He walks over to the dessert table. He carefully picks up the tray of chocolate covered strawberries. He then tosses them out the window. He turns to us after he does so. "There, now can you trust me?" Olivia smiles. "Yeah, I don't know why you didn't do that in the first place."