
Saturday, March 21, 2015

Fourth Wall

We are pulled through to the other side of the blue. To something, another reality, another life. I can't see too much of anything. It's as if the sky has a glossy surface that prevents me from seeing. A gigantic face comes into view. Glasses and a receding hairline stretch across the atmosphere. "Greetings." The face says to us. His booming voice vibrates. I feel it in the pit of my stomach. Much like when one sits too close to a firework display. "Sorry." He says in a whisper. "That's ok." I shout in a squeaky, chipmunk - like voice. Hearing my voice, Olivia giggles. "Who are you?" She asks. "I'm an animator." He replies. "Is this like Duck Amuck?" I ask. Olivia turns to me. "Duck Amuck?" She repeats. "It was a Loony Toons cartoon in which Daffy Duck practically leaps from the page." I explain. "Oh yeah. That was the one where the cartoonist was messing with him, right? Making his head into a flower and stuff like that?" She asks. I nod. "It was a classic cartoon, but the basic idea has been around for some time now. Most recently it was used in a Dead Pool comic." He tells us. I point to the animator. "Dead Pool is a rip off of a DC character, Deathstroke." I explain, feeling confident about the wisdom I had shared. The animator groans. "And Thanos is a rip off off Darkseid . What's your point?" I smile. "You're right, everyone in the comic book industry stole from one another." I admit. His eyes light up. "Ok ,here's a fun piece of trivia. Did you know that prior to Quicksilver's intro in the X - Men, there was a similar character in DC by the same name?" "I had heard of that. I think the one for DC had a few more abilities though. " I elaborate. The animator laughs to himself. "It's kinda weird DC made that guy. I mean they already had the Flash. How many characters with superhuman speed did they need?" I start laughing. "I had never thought of that." I snort. Olivia observers us laughing for a moment. " I don't mean to interrupt your nerd time, but who are you? Did you draw us?" She asks. " I wish. You guys seem really interesting. And if I did draw you two , then I could have a discussion with myself about what is more real, The creator or the creation?" He says, excitedly. "So, we just showed up?" Olivia asks. "Yeah. I'm a background animator. I was looking at some pages I had finished, and you guys showed up all the sudden. I thought "hey I should talk to them." "Huh. Is there a way for us to get out of here?" Olivia asks. The animator bites his lip. " I think so. Let me get my ruler. I'll see if I can draw something."

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