
Saturday, May 30, 2015

Past Deeds

Bethany the accountant, examines the yellow shield closely. It's obviously something she had never seen before. "This is definitely interesting, and it would be good to have an artifact in the library. I have to ask though, why is it in an evidence bag?" "I knew we should have taken it out of there." I say to myself. Bethany places the shield on her desk. She looks at us sternly. "Well, why is it in an evidence bag?" She asks. "Because we had to get it out of the evidence room." I reply. "And why was it there?" "Because the police put it there." I say. She sighs. Clearly, the conversation isn't going anywhere. "Did you steal it?" She asks. "No, it belongs to us." Olivia jumps in. "But how did you go about getting it?" I stare at the floor. "We kinda stole it from a museum." Bethany takes a deep breath. "It's amazing you two weren't arrested." "We were, but a sleazy lawyer balled us out." Olivia replies. Bethany removes her glasses and buries her face in her hands. "What else happened?" She asks, her voice muffled. "We met up with a biker gang and unsuccessfully tried to sell drugs to kids." I inform her. Her head pops up. "What?!" "I said unsuccessfully." "This is not my jurisdiction." She says, in a stressed tone. "What do you mean?" Olivia asks. "You have to go to Human Resources on the fourth floor. I'll get you your paper work for the library, but please go to them now."

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