
Sunday, August 9, 2015


Confession time: canoes confuse the hell out of me. I think I'm paddling the right direction, and before I know it the canoe will be going backwards, or better yet in circles. It was hard getting the hang of it. I wanted to go one way, and Olivia wanted to go the other way. After quite some time of spinning in circles, we decided to paddle in the same direction. This proved effective. We weren't going anywhere very fast, but we were moving forward together. As you may have guessed, neither one of us is what one would call "outdoorsy." Granted I was in the Boy Scouts briefly. If I had stayed with them I'm sure they would have taught me many things. Such as how to properly canoe. I wasn't able to get past the stigma of a uniform though. I know it doesn't sound like a big deal. In retrospect it wasn't. Some kids relish the chance to dress up. I was not one of them. It's like the uniform itched, and I couldn't wait to take it off and put on jeans and a T - shirt. But Scouts or not, we learned how to canoe. It may not be the best way, but it's our way. I only hope that we can find the lake house before it rains. Since we got here it's gotten considerably darker. I don't feel any sprinkles though, and we've come too far to turn back now. There doesn't appear to be any houses around the lake. We've been paddling for a while, and I haven't seen a single person or creature. The lake is vacant. Not a vacant that would suggest a void, but rather a calm vacant. Olivia stands. The canoe rocks back and forth. "Careful." I shout. "Sorry, there's something out there." She says. I squint. I can't make much of anything out, but I do believe her to be right. We continue moving forward. "You think that's her?" She asks. "We'll know when we get there."

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