
Friday, March 25, 2016

Fourth Wall Letter

The higher we climbed, the more difficult it was to hang on. The winds pushed us violently back and forth. "We have to keep going." Olivia urges. I knew she was right. I knew that staying still could do no good, but at that moment a paper airplane caught my attention. It flew around my head like an insect. Olivia, seeing that I was distracted, snatched it away. "Hey." She shouted, whiling opening it up. "It's a letter from your sister." "Well that's nice. What does it say?" I ask. Olivia skims it over. "It says that this blog that we're in right now is nominated for some award." "No kidding?" "Yeah, it looks like it is a fun way for other writers to branch out and connect." "That's a good idea. Is there anything we have to do?"  "Not really. Is there anyone you want to pass this along to though?" "Right off the bat I can think of Antonio Soriano He's a great musician." Olivia nods her head in agreement. "Anyone else?" "There is this guy who does old comic book reviews. It's called retrocomicreviews."  I think for a moment. "Hmm that's only two." "That's ok, we can always edit this thing later." "So, is that all then?" I ask. "Almost, there's a few questions for you. Here I'll give you the letter."

1) Why do you blog?
Well, I guess the simplest way to explain it is that I have so many ideas floating around in my brain. I have to do something with them. The nice thing about blogging is that there is an audience for just about everything. Nothing is too strange or out there. Right now I want to stretch my imagination as far as I possibly can.

2) Who is your favorite author?
Hard question, but I would have to say that Roald Dahl would be up there. His books are always so adventurous and picturesque.

3) What is your favorite childhood memory?
When I was six my older siblings wanted me to dress up as Peter Pan for Halloween. It would fit their theme if I did. ( They went as Tiger Lilly and a Pirate.) But I wanted to go as a Lion, and wasn't going to back down. So, I went as an adorable lion, and I like to think we got a decent amount of candy that year because of it.

4) Who has been your most influential person in your life? Why?
I'm sure this may  disappoint some, and I'm not trying to be diplomatic, but I don't think I could possibly name one person or thing. From my immediate family, to random people I meet on walks to Tim Burton movies they have all shaped the way I write in some way or another.

5) What would an ideal vacation/ get away look like?
I've always been drawn to the East coast. I'd like to Visit Main. I think it would be pretty.

6) What is one thing you do exceptionally well , but can't often talk about it because it would seem like bragging? 
I am quite good at identifying voices from commercials or cartoons. I usually can get it right away, but sometimes I have to listen for a few minutes.

7) What is your favorite food?
It is a toss up between mashed potatoes and apple pancakes. Two  different worlds, but I like them both so much that it is a tie.

8) Have you ever practiced an acceptance speech in the mirror, and if so what was the award that you accepted?
I have actually. Not in a while, but yes. I believe it was an award for Best Original Screenplay. I went on and I and on. I think even  in my mind the orchestra attempted to drown me out. So, I shouted above them,

9) What makes you laugh?
I am a sucker for a good pun. The cheesier the better.

10) What is something you would like to see happen in your lifetime?
This is something I have thought about long and hard. It's 2016, and it baffles why this has not yet come into being. We have the technology and the resources. It is time once and for all to make edible Easter grass a reality. Think about it? With edible Easter grass you will not have to worry about discovering it months later because it will be far too tasty. I think we all deserve this.

I smiled to myself as I answered the last question out loud. No it is my turn to ask the questions.
Why blog?
What was your biggest inspiration?
Do you have a favorite book/ author?
If you had all the money in the world what would you do?
What is your favorite animal?
What is your favorite dish?
If you could be any literary character who would you be?
What makes you laugh?
What is your favorite childhood memory
What would you like to see happen within your life?Kristinwagner@wordpress

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