
Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Going Home

"Eureka!" An excited voice shouts. Olivia and I crane our necks, but all we can see is darkness around the light. "I did it. I did it." It jubilantly adds. "Did what?" Olivia asks. The voice walks closer to us. We can now see it is Jack. He smiles gleefully. "I made contact." Olivia furrows her brow. "With what?" Jack extends his arm. He gracefully points to the beam of light. "You're saying you did this?" I question. Jack smiles again. "Guilty." "But how?" "I told you. I just needed to remember who I was." Jack marvels at the light. "And boy, am I glad I remembered." "Are you trying to tell us you're an alien?" Olivia asks.  "We prefer extraterrestrial, but yes." Olivia and I stare at him dumbfounded. "Listen, it's been great talking to you, but I have to go. My family is waiting for me." Jack steps into the light. He waves us goodbye. Half a second later he vanishes, much like how the characters in Star Trek transport. After that the beam of light lifts up into the sky. Jack is gone without a trace. Olivia laughs to herself. "What's so funny?" I ask. She turns to me. "We really did get rid of him."

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