
Sunday, December 21, 2014

For Employees Only

"May I help you?" She asks again. This time sounding more stern than the last. I think for a moment and answer in the only way that I know. "No." I say, defiantly. The doctor sighs. "What are you doing down here? What are you holding?" I look down and glance at the sample. "Urine" I say, without hesitating. The doctor winces, but believes me. "Who is your doctor? Who sent you here?" She asks. "Dr. Benson." I tell her. "Dr. Besnon told you to go down to the basement by yourself and produce a urine sample?" "Not exactly." "Then why are you here by yourself?" "He's not by himself. I'm here." Olivia chimes in. The doctor shoots her a nasty look. "This is a restricted area. Unless you are accompanied by someone such as myself, you can not be here." "We're sorry, it's just he can't go in public places. " Olivia explains. "Really?" "Yeah, he has to be secluded in order to go." I am slightly embarrassed, but the lie is getting us out of trouble. I see the doctor's face becoming less and less red. "My cousin used to be like that, but why are you wearing gloves?" She asks. I furrow my brow. "Because I'm holding urine." The doctor smiles. "Fair enough." She walks past us with the boy and his mother. "But you might want to drink more water." She adds. "What?" I ask, confused. "Urine isn't supposed to be that bright. You need to drink more water." I take the advice and we head to the elevator. Now to get the hell out of here.

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