
Monday, December 29, 2014

The Disappearing Factory

Here we are, across the street from the factory. Or at least where it was. Where it used to be not too long ago. A swat team toils away in search of any clue of what might have been. All that remains is a vacant parking lot with grass growing between the cracks. Jay is behind this somehow. I have no doubt in my mind. I have no idea how he did it, but it is the only explanation I can think of. I wonder if the factory imploded like the haunted house at the end of Poltergeist. That would have been a spectacle to watch. Not that seeing a dozen trained SWAT members scratch their heads isn't amusing. Still I can't help but feel bad for the officer at the hospital. Despite all he has been through, and his weird medical condition, no one will believe him anymore. Not with out any evidence. Most likely his illness with be written off as "something weird that happens." Or it will be explained away tirelessly. The doctor's know they have little, if anything to cling to with this case. The one piece of "logical" evidence that they find, they will use, and that will be that. It is a dirty trick Jay played, but he's gotta cover his tracks somehow.

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