
Sunday, October 15, 2017

Small Window

The human body is capable of incredible things while riding high on adrenaline. Such as breezing to the top of an enormous skyscraper in no time. I have no idea how tall the tower is. Perhaps as big as the statue of liberty, maybe even taller. When we reached the top floor of what was once Eagle Eyes office we scanned the room quickly. Luckily the blueprints were exactly where we left them. They appeared to be untouched. I grabbed the blueprints off the desk. I help them in front of me and smiled triumphantly, thinking of all the wonderful options that were at our finger tips. I must have been lost in thought. Lost deep inside myself. I didn't notice the impending danger. The red storm was forcing itself back into the building. From my vantage point I could tell it was some sort of entity. It had no limbs, but it's face resembled a skull. I stood there, frozen in fear as the thing drew closer and closer.  Thinking on her feet, Olivia raised the blueprints at the last possible moment. The entity crashed into the blueprints. The blueprints, however absorbed the entity and we were safe. Once the entity was fully absorbed by the blueprints Olivia placed them back on the desk. "How'd you know that would work?" I ask. She smiles nervously. "I didn't."

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