
Monday, June 9, 2014

Gimme Shelter

The pink bubble protects us from the elements, but as Olivia grows tired, the force field starts to deteriorate. Night fall is rapidly approaching. If it wasn't cold before, it will be freezing shortly. I search for any animal tracks. Anything to lead us to shelter. My efforts appear to be in vain. The snow is fresh, and there is no sign of anything scurrying around lately. It looks like I'll have to do this purely on instinct. I stumble onward, with Olivia holding on to me, half awake. I am also tired, but I have to keep going. Our survival depends on it. I'm so focused on finding refuge, that I don't see the rock jutting out of the snow. I trip , and we both fall face first. I pick myself up, and hoist Olivia off the ground. She clings on to me as if nothing happened. Perhaps she didn't even notice. I take a hard look at the rock I tripped on. Upon closer inspection it is not a rock, but rather a skeletal hand. It points off to my right. It is just a wall of rocks, but I decide to follow this signal. I walk over to the wall of rocks. I merely touch one of the stones, and they all shift. I quickly run out of the way to avoiding the rocks crashing down on me. When they are all done falling, there is a narrow opening. I stumble over to the wall with Olivia still clinging to my side. I peek my head in slightly. "Looks like we have a place to stay tonight."

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