
Friday, June 13, 2014

Treasures Galore

Mr. Bones guides on a narrow path that leads to a connecting cave. It was not exactly easy to get to. There were stalactites and stalagmites. The bats would terrify us. When it seemed like a quiet time, a bat would swoop down and startle us. Then we had to get down on our hands and knees and squeeze through a teeny tiny opening. But in the end, it was worth it. We arrived in a wonderland of treasures. Things from the past that were long forgotten about. Mr. Bones extends his arms "Welcome." "What is this place?" I ask in admiration. "It is a collection of all the things people have left behind." Olivia falls back on to a pile of gold coins and makes an angel. "People just leave all this stuff behind?" I ask while looking around. "They decided they couldn't take it with them." I pick up an electric football game. " I suppose some of it is a bit much." "Well, none of them really knew what they were getting themselves into." "What do you mean?" I ask. "People, they generally carry around a lot of stuff with them. Makes them feel at ease. Makes them feel at home. But sooner or later they realize it's weighing them down." "So they dump it." I say, interrupting him. "Bingo."  Olivia walks up to us wearing a tiara. "Does that mean I have to put this back?" "Did you come in here with it?" Mr. Bones asks her. "No." "Then you don't have to put it back. Besides it's not something you have to do. It's just something that most choose to do." "That makes sense." Olivia says. "It does? Oh good. Now, would either of you happen to have an Atari that you want to discard?" "No." We say at the same time. Mr. Bones snaps his fingers. "Damn, I really wanted to play Space Invaders. It's been a long time and I really wanted to play it."  I view the mounds and mounds of treasure. "Do you by any chance have any weapons?" I ask. "Weapons? Yeesh. You're getting dark on me." "We need something to defend ourselves from the mountain lion." "Mountain Lion? I've never seen a mountain lion. Then again I haven't traveled everywhere on this mountain." "So you think there might be a weapon?" I continue. "It's possible, let's go check."

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