
Sunday, June 8, 2014

Not Dressed for This

This is no way to begin a long, arduous hike. Under the best circumstances this would be difficult. I am not by any means dressed for the weather. Jeans, a t - shirt , and sneakers were probably not the wisest of choices. The cold, wet snow soaks right through my shoes. It is getting harder and harder to lift my legs. Olivia is not fairing to well either. I can see her teeth chattering. "You know, being from Chicago, you think we would be used to these sudden weather changes." I say, trying to lighten the mood. Olivia does not respond. She seems to be lost in her own world. That is the problem with extreme cold. Or at least one of them. In the midst of it, all you can think of is "Fuck it's cold." I stop in my tracks and wait for her to catch up to me. Despite her uncontrollable shivering, she catches up to me. "We could find a cave and start a fire to keep warm." I assure her. "A cave could be another mile. I don't think I could make it." She says nearly, falling over. I catch her before she can hit the ground. "But we can't stay still." I warn her. " I can't move either." "Do you want my cape. Use it as a blanket? Keep yourself warm?" Olivia looks down. " I may have an idea. She rubs her hands together. She cups her hands and concentrates. A pink bubble flows out. It is little at first, but the more she concentrates, the more it expands. It eventually becomes this huge bubble that wraps around the both of us. "This should keep us warm." she says upon completion.

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