
Monday, June 2, 2014

Lunch Time...the Best Time

"Unbelievable." Olivia utters as we enter a fast food joint. There is a gawky teenage boy standing behind the register. "Welcome to Burger Palace." He says cheerily as we make our way to the counter. Olivia looks in awe. "Do you get a lot of people coming in here?" She asks. "Oh no. You two would be the first." "So, how long has this store been open?" I inquier. " A few years." He replies. "You've been open for a few years, and we're the first customers?" Olivia asks. "Yep." "So what do you do with your time if nobody comes in?" Olivia pries. "You came in." Olivia sighs. " I know that, but what did you do before we came in?" "I would just stand here and wait for someone to come in." "And that is all you would do?" "Yep." I knock on the counter. "That is dedication right there." I say. "Oh, that's something." Olivia responds. "What can I get you guys?" "I'll have the number two special." I tell him. He looks over at Olivia. "I'll do the same." I take out my wallet. "Oh no, it's on us." The cashier insists. "Really?" He nods his head. "Huh, free food. What's not to like?" I say as I place my wallet in my back pocket. "You can have a seat. I'll bring the food right out." We take a seat in one of those plastic booths. They are the kind of booths that you see in just about every fast food restaurant in America. They kind that look much more comfortable then they actually are. "A thought occurred to me." Olivia tells me. "And that would be?" I ask. "You were so sure that there was a fast food restaurant around here." "Yeah, I was." "And that's great, but why don't you use that "gift" to help us find the emerald." "I can't control this power of mine." I say sarcastically. "You could learn." Before I have a chance to respond the cashier places our food on the table. Mouth watering burgers, french fries and fountain drinks. I look up at our cashier. "You know anything about your town's mountain." "Oh yes, much." "Do you know anyone who has climbed it?" "Yes, many." "And?" I say expecting that maybe this time he will have a more elaborate response. "No one has ever survived the climb." He says, still keeping his cheery demeanor. "Well, we're gonna climb it." Olivia tells him confidently. " And you'll probably die." He responds as if it is just a matter of fact. "What if we had some sort of guide with us?" I ask him. "Then you'll probably die less quickly." I raise my eyebrows. " Not bad odds. You wanna be our guide?" I ask him. "Stop it." Olivia warns me. " Gee, I can't. I have duties here." "I'll bring you back an icicle." I say jokingly. "Ok, I have to get back to work now though." He walks away. I have a feeling humor is not his strong suite. Olivia turns her mask around so she can eat. "Ready for our last meal?" I ask as I grab a handful of fries.

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