
Saturday, June 7, 2014

Surrealist Sitcom

It's exciting, finally being able to complete a goal.Or at least being that much closer to the end product. Olivia glimpses at me and grabs my hand. This feels good, this feels great. Just as I am riding high on good vibes, our elevator stops abruptly. This is too funny. It's like a plot device for a sit com. A weird, surrealist sit com. Our rock - man operator sighs. I guess he has been through this sort of mishap before. That's reassuring, at least he'll know how to deal with this. He picks up the emergency phone from the wall and places it to his ear. Or at least the area where his ear would be. The lights flicker on and off. "Should we be concerned about that?" I ponder. "The Girl From Ipanema" plays over the intercom. Olivia's face lights up after hearing the opening bars. "No, let's dance." She assures me. Olivia and I begin to dance. I should say that at this juncture, I have no clue how to dance. Coordination has never been my thing.Two left feet is not an apt expression when it comes to me. I would argue something like seven left feet, but we're alone in an elevator with a creature from Middle Earth. So who cares? We dance because we can. Because, right now, it is the most fun thing in the world. The rock - man turns to us. "Our call is very important to them" He says, with a low, grainy voice. "They always say that, but I don't know if I believe it." I utter. The song ends, but we continue to dance for a moment. The rock - man hangs up the phone and turns to us again. "Disconnected." He says with a sigh. "You want to try again?" Olivia asks. "No use." He says with disdain. "Then what do you suggest?" I wonder. He holds up his index finger. The universal symbol for "one second." He forcefully pries open the elevator door with his bare hands. Outside is a blizzard - like landscape."Sorry, couldn't get to top." He says sheepishly. A cold wind slaps my face. I want to be upset with him. I wan to shout "Are you fucking kidding me?" None of that comes out. Instead, I simply say "At least you gave us a start."

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