
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Coexisting Realities

Everything is bright. Everything is beautiful. The sun is out, summertime creatures are scurrying around, and the neighbors and passer by's dumbfoundedly scratch their heads as they stare at the sky. They wonder how exactly the weather can go from one extreme to the other. I watched how it was done and I am still in disbelief. I don't get it. I don't understand it, but like it. Yes, a little sun and warm weather does seem to take one out of the dull drums. And when one feels better, thinking dramatically improves. Though the more I walk through the outdoors, I feel there is something off. I listen closely. There is a humming. A vibration that is going on. It buzzes and seems to get louder and louder the more I notice it. "Don't pay attention to it." You might say. Much easier said than done. Much like a cut in one's mouth. As soon as you notice it, it is impossible not to. So the buzzing becomes louder and louder. It is almost like Jeff did not change the weather at all, but rather put an existing program on top of the previous on. So right now we basically have two realities intermingled with each other. This does not feel good. This does not feel good one bit. I have to get back to Jeff. Tell him what he did. Maybe he can fix it. I start to rush back to to the house. It is then that I notice I am being tailed by a black SUV. "That plot thickens." I think to myself. I run off the sidewalk and take a detour through a neighbor's lawn. No time to waste.

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