
Sunday, February 28, 2016

Taxi Ride

We got in the back seat of the taxi cab. Our driver had wild, curly, black hair. He turned to us with an impatient look upon his face. I showed him the map, pointing to the word cave. He scoffed as if to suggest that it was beyond him why anyone would want to go there. He put the pedal to the metal and drove as fast as he humanly could. Olivia and I were shot back into our seats with force. Our eyes were watering and our cheeks wobbled. I feared for my life at every turn, worried that I would crash through the window.(There were no seat belts.) Eventually the horrifying real life roller coaster ended. He slammed on his backs violently and threw open our doors. We limped out of the back seat unable to walk. The driver took as soon as we were  out, leaving us at the foot of a boarded up cave.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

The Beaten Path

We figured that the cave had to be somewhere at the end of the island. Never having been there before we did the only think we could think of. We started walking down a deserted street. Surely this would lead us to the end eventually. The only problem was how would we know if we were walking towards the right end? We trudged down the road without having a clue if we were right or wrong. The hot sun was beating down on us. "Can we stop?" I plead. "We can't. We have to keep going." Olivia replies in a barely audible tone. "Wait, I have an idea." I say. I stick out my thumb. "Are you kidding me? We can't hitchhike." "Why, because it's dangerous." I ask. "No, because we haven't seen a single car for miles." Just then a yellow taxi cab pulls up out of nowhere. I turn to Olivia. "This could be our lucky day."

Friday, February 26, 2016


"Care to open it?" Olivia asks with a cringe. "Nope, it's all yours." "Oh, you're such a gentleman." Olivia carefully opens the moist, phlegm covered letter. "That's weird." She says out loud. "What is it?" "It's a map written in red crayon." "Does it show where we're supposed to go?" I ask. Olivia shows me the hand drawn map. There is just a red, squiggly line pointing to the word CAVE at the far edge of the paper. "My guess is they want us to go to the cave." She says. "Ok, well let's find the cave."

Thursday, February 25, 2016


Penny is our favorite, but Lucky is the bird we needed. Lucky is much bigger then Penny.He has a long, strong back that is fully capable of carrying a Minotaur. Lucky has a look of serious concentration as he flies us through the air with ease. It didn't take us any time at all before we landed on top of a dilapidated building that overlooked the Mediterranean Sea. "Are we here?" Olivia asks. Lucky squawks. "Can you get us closer?" Lucky shakes his head. He lifts his wings. "Wait." I shout. "Do you have any idea where we should go?" Lucky starts hacking. He coughs up a letter. It lands on the rooftop, covered in flem. Olivia winces while picking it up. "I would have appreciated you giving us this letter beforehand, but thanks anyways." Without another caw or squawk, Luck takes off into the sky. Leaving us alone on the rooftop with the letter.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Trip Ideas

Olivia was outside by herself. I told her of my desire to escape and go somewhere, anywhere. She was all on board with my suggestion. It didn't even matter I had no destination. I guess she was eager as me to break free and venture somewhere new. We were about to hop on Penny when Todd ran up to us. "Stop. You're going to need a bigger falcon for where you're going." "Where are we going?" I ask him. "How about the Grecian islands?" He suggests. I think for a moment. "That's not a bad idea." "Perfect. I'll grab Lucky. He's been to those islands many times. They're practically encoded in his DNA." "Thank you for the offer, but I'm sure Penny knows how to get there." Olivia says. "But does she know all the ins and outs?" Todd asks. "She knows enough. Why are you so adamant that we take Lucky?" I ask. "Because Lucky is the best." "Wait a minute. Why do you want us to go to the Grecian islands?" Olivia questions. Todd sighs. "You got me. I wanted to send you on a mission." "What kind of mission?" I ask. "Get the manator." "What?Why?" "If we are to rebuild the Wellness Center we need an intimidating bouncer." He replies. "No, we don't need a bouncer. Besides we already have an army and a remarkable archer." I say. "Yes, but do they have blood red eyes and horns?" "No. And we don't need that." "Hold on, a trip to the islands might be fun." Olivia says. I roll my eyes. "Ok, we'll go and pick him up."

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Question Todd

I found Todd alone in the kitchen eating leftover pudding. His back was turned to me, so it was easy to sneak up on him. "Hey!" I shout. Todd, startled throws his pudding spoon in the air. He turns slowly to me clutching his heart. "Sorry about that. Can I have a word." I ask. "I'm not going to turn this into another Wellness Center." He snaps. "Relax. It wasn't about that.Well, actually it sorta is." "What is it?" "Where did you get the birds from?" "What?" "The falcons. Where did you get them from?" "They're from the Wellness Center." He says, perplexed. "No they're not. They're from here." "Really?" "Yes. Your ancestors purchased them, and from what I know it wasn't a fair purchase." Todd leans against the wall. "My ancestors purchased them a long time ago. I didn't know it was unfair, but I suppose it wouldn't be  unheard of. So what now?" He asks. "What do you mean?" "You dug deep enough to find out that my ancestors may have ripped off the natives. You want me to burn for their sins now." "What? No."  "Then what?" He demands. "I don't know. I was curious." "Curiosity killed the cat." "Your damn right." I rub my face. "I'm gonna need a vacation." "Because of this?" Todd questions. "No, I just think it would be a good idea to get out of here for a while" "Where are you going to go?" "Not sure. I'll find Olivia and we'll take off on a falcon some where. You can start the transition turning this into a Wellness Center while I'm away." "You mean that?" " Yes, but slowly. Nothing dramatic. Just start by telling the locals about it. Get them interested first."

Monday, February 22, 2016


I had to get something off my chest. I had to find out the story behind the falcons. I took Peter to the dungeon. The hole in the wall was sill there allowing ample light to sign in on the falcon mosaic. I showed Peter the picture. "Yes, I remember that." He says. "What is that about?" I ask. "This is their home." "So we took them?" I ask. "Yes and no." "What does that mean?" "Birds migrate." "I'm aware of that, but what does that have to do with us?" I ask. "This is where they were born, but the Wellness Center was where they migrated." "So did we get them legit or not?" I question. "I don't know. I'm not the one to ask about that." "What do you mean you don't know? You took care of them." "It's true I have been taking care of them, but they are centuries old." "They're older than you?" I ask. Peter sneers. "Yes, they are. If you want to know more I suggest you ask Todd. It was his family that purchased the falcons."

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Sit and Think

I painted the kingdom red with my whimsical brand of anarchy. Things went missing, livestock showed up in places they weren't supposed to be. Up was down. Left as right. No one was safe. It was all in an effort to get my people to snap out of themselves. Wake up a bit. Not surprisingly it didn't work. Most of them had no context for pranks, so how do you explain something like that? I found myself onto of the cliff where the prisoners were once held. My legs were dangling off the edge. "Mind if I join you?" Peter asks. I nod slowly to him. He sits beside me. His legs also dangle off the edge. "You've been having some fun lately." He says. "I have. I only wish they could enjoy it." "Perhaps in time. I don't think they've caught up yet." We sit in silence for a moment. Neither one of us says a word. "What do you think I should do?" I ask. "I'm afraid I can't answer that." "I know." There is another brief silence. "What are your thoughts on the Cook's place?" He asks. I shrug. "It's weird, but as far as I'm concerned he has the real power." "What do you mean?" "He's in charge of our food. Hence he should be held in high regard." I explain. "That's very noble of you."  "I've always felt that way. Janitors also should be held in higher regard." I add. "I couldn't agree with you more." "Does this mean I'm onto something?" I ask. "I think it's a go to point."

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Bad Breakfast

Breakfast was lackluster. What was supposed to be a delicacy of buttermilk pancakes topped with fresh fruit turned into cold, grey,  flavor less oatmeal. It did not go well, and many of the villagers did not finish. It was a slap in the face to the Cook. He angrily crosses over to my half of the table. "I know what did." He says. I play dumb. "What did I do?" "You know what you did. You know exactly what you did." "What did you do?" Olivia asks me. "He stole my alarm clock, preventing me from a timely wake up." I place the alarm clock on the table. "This clock?" I ask. "Yes, why did you do it?" He questions. "Had to keep you on your toes." I respond. The cook looks confused. "I provide the nutrition for this society. If I am not properly rested, then they don't receive the meals that they should be getting." "That's a tough break." I reply. "You don't care, do you?" He says. "Let them think for themselves." I say. "And how do you plan on doing that?" He asks.  "Simple, more pranks." Everyone on my side turns to me in confusion. " More pranks equals more fun." I continue. "Good God. You have gone mad with power." The Cook says. "Perhaps, but it is my kingdom, and I shall do with it as I please. And I want there to be more pranks."

Friday, February 19, 2016

Pleasant Convo

I stood outside the Cook's apartment with the Hunter. The door to his place was massive. It was made of wood and had a lion's head door knocker. "It's something. Isn't it?" The hunter says. "It's impressive. I'll say that, but I don't you why you couldn't have just told me he lives in a loft above the kitchen." The hunter scoffs. I knock the door three times. A moment later a weary cook answers the door. He wears purple pajamas with a purple night cap, and his eyes are half open. "Breakfast is still a couple of hours away." He groans. "I know. I wanted to talk about something." I respond. The cook glances at me and the hunter. "Just me." I continue. The cook nods and opens his door for me. "Wait till you see the inside." The hunter whispers. I enter, closing the door behind me. I instantly notice high ceilings, hard wood floors, and Victorian furniture. "What did you want to talk about?" The cook asks, interrupting my scanning. "How long have you lived here?" "A few years. I don't really remember how long it's been." "It's magnificent." I say in wonderment. "Thank you, but surely you didn't come just to talk about my place." I don't respond. "You have got to be kidding me."  "Well, it's just so much." "You don't like my style?" He questions. "No, it's not that." "Then what is it?" "Everyone else is in caves." "Do you want me to live in a cave? Is that what you're suggesting?" He asks, angrily. "No." "I know, you would be a lot happier if everyone else was living like me?" I shrug. "Well, yeah." "I'm sure they are plenty happy and if they're not they can make something of themselves like I did." "I think it's a little more complex than that." I reply. "I'm afraid it's not, and I don't wish to discuss this matter any further.So, you can see yourself out." I stare at the door."Can I at least have a cup of tea to go?"  The cook sighs. "I suppose. " The cook walks to his kitchen. I scurry around, looking for a quick revenge. "Herbal or black?" He shouts. "Black." " I suppose I should do the same, but I would like at least one more half hours rest before I start breakfast preparations." Then it hits me. I run to his bedroom. There I find an antique alarm clock. I carefully place it under my shirt. I waddle back to the front door. Luckily, he is still in the kitchen. "You know what? I changed my mind." I shout while exiting. One the other side of the door the hunter eagerly waits to hear my tales. "How did it go?" He asks. "Could be better, but.." I pull out the alarm clock from under my shirt. "What's that?" "This would be a juvenile prank."

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Cave Meeting

After the meal, the hunter insisted that we formulate a plan. So, we all met in the cave that Olivia and I previously lodged in to discuss the next step. The Cook stayed behind in the kitchen, and Penny was with her family, but the rest of the members of the rebellion were there. "So, what is the plan?" The hunter asks as I take a seat on the cot. I remove my shoes. "Well, I'm going to sleep. You guys can stick around if you like. Just please try not to make so much noise." "I meant our takeover. What should we do next?" "Oh, I have no idea." "But you're the leader." The hunter gasps. "Signing that contract was only something I did to save my skin." I confess. "And it revealed your cleverness." He replies. "Thank you." "But now's the time to take the next step with your cleverness. Build a society." He encourages. I wearily rub my face. "Why?" "Because you're the leader." He repeats. "Yes, I am the leader, but I don't feel like I have to change anything. Everybody seems happy." "Sure, they all seem that way." He remarks. "Don't give me that." I snap. "Are you saying you don't care about their emotional well being?" Todd asks. "I care, but there is only so much I can do. Even as a leader. But if you want to build a new Wellness Center and disregard their customs and traditions just to fit your own agenda then be my guest." I lay on my side. My back is to everyone. "You're in a cave." The hunter says. "No shit." I mutter. "Doesn't that bother you?" He asks. "I'll admit it's a little weird, but everyone is in caves." "Not everyone." He replies. I roll over and stare at the hunter. "What are you talking about?" "The cook lives in a very nice place. Not a cave at all." "He does not." Olivia says. "He does. I have seen it." The hunter proclaims. "So, what? He saved my life." I reply. "He saved mine as well, but the fact remains that he is living the high life while the rest of us are scraping to get by." He explains. I sigh. "I'll go there tomorrow and talk with him. Is that what you want?" "You do not know where he lives. Only I do." Then take me there, but wait outside." "Why?" "Because you can be intimidating." I say. "He's right." The baker chimes in. "Fine. I'll wait outside. But this will get done."

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Peacetime Meal

Apparently the daily routine of the village gathering for meals was upheld even in wartime. Granted there were  far less people, but the tradition was kept up with none the less. Now it is a time of peace, and every single person from the village showed up at the impressive stone table. We had to rummage for some chairs. Some people were sitting on logs. None seemed to mind though. No one even cared that they were eating days old soup. (The Cook had little time to prepare). Everyone was just glad to be there. Most everyone that is. "Aren't you gonna make your announcement?" The guard asks. "I already did." I respond. "Yes, but some of us weren't able to make it." "Well, in that case.... I'm the the new leader." I say with food in my mouth. I'm met with gasps and confusion. "Should we be concerned?" Someone asks the guard. "You need not worry." Olivia assures. "That's right, because they have a plan." The guard mocks. "What is the plan?" A man asks. "I can't say." "Why not?" "Because it's top secret. This is just how it has to be." Everyone talks among themselves in various shades of annoyances. Meanwhile the mother stares at me. "You look familiar." She says. "Can't say where you would know me from." I reply. "Did you rule this land not too long ago?" She asks. "Yes, they both did." The guard shouts, pointing to Olivia. "They claimed to be Gods, but we kicked those heretics out." He continues. Everyone shouts and argues at the same time. The hunter pounds his fists on the table. Everyone is quiet once again. "What does it matter if they were heretics in the past?They are the leaders now and we have the documents to prove it." He pushes his seat out. "But we don't have to prove ourselves." He starts to walk away. "This, surely is not a meal fit for a king or even a peasant."

Tuesday, February 16, 2016


I'm not the best at speeches. Despite how often I may practice beforehand, I often lose my nerve. The words that I carefully craft in my brain jump out of my ear and run away. I am then left mumbling and bumbling. Fortunately it is a small turnout. That always helps. When I say small that's including myself, Mamba, Olivia, and the hunter. There were only three other people who showed up. The guard who doubts my claims of being the general, and a mother and her infant son. I white knuckle the podium and prepare my ad lib. "Today is a new day." I start. "Today is a day that will not be like any others because it is new, and fresh... and vibrant." My ad libbing is not going so well. I'm losing my crowd of three. "It's a different day because it's a day of tyranny." The guard interrupts. "It is no such thing." I say back. "It is a day of moving forward." "Why is it a day of moving forward?" He asks. "Show him the contract." The hunter whispers to me. I pull the contract out of my back pocket. I hand it to the guard. He thumbs through it to the last page. "That your signature?" He asks. I nod. He hands me back the contract. "Alright. I guess that makes you the new leader." "I thank you for recognizing my authority." I reply. "So, what kind of changes will you be making around here?" He asks smugly. "I cannot discuss everything that I wish to do right now simply because there is so much. It would take hours if I were to explain every last detail of my plan, but know this, progress will take place. Thank you." With that I walk off, leaving the crowd of three confused. Mamba follows closely behind me. He pulls me aside. "That was good, but you might want a more solid plan when we gather for meal time."

Monday, February 15, 2016

The Volcano Office

The guard walked us to the volcano office. Having never been there before, Olivia and the hunter were in complete awe. They marveled at the enormous interior, and the stood with their mouths agape. There was someone in Ruth's seat. I couldn't tell who it was because the chair was turned around facing the window like a James Bond super villain. The person in the chair waved to the guard with the back of his hand, motioning for him to leave. As soon as the guard left, the person in the chair swung around to face us. I was amazed. It was none other than Mamba. He now wore a business suit, but he still had his court jester's hat. "I really should be thanking you. You saved my life." He says. "How are you here?" I ask. "It's simple, really. When you took up the position as general, and insisted that I live and not be tortured, she did the only thing she could think of to keep me out of the way. She gave me the job of a lowly janitor." "You were a janitor?" I ask. "Indeed. I was the best janitor there ever was. I kept all floors and surfaces clean, until the next day, or sometimes the next hour." "You don't look like a janitor anymore." Olivia says. "No, I am not. I'm the Chancellor now." "What the hell does that mean?" The hunter asks. "It has to do with laws. Legal stuff." "You don't even know what you do?" I question. Mamba shakes his head. "Not really. I kinda just made up the title for myself the other day." "And they went for that?" Olivia asks. "Sure did. Mostly everyone was at war when I decided to appoint myself to a title that I had never heard of. But you know what? Every single one of them believes that I am of authority." "That's great, we just have to get them to believe that I am of authority now." I say. "That shouldn't be too hard. You are the general after all." Mamba replies. "I am, but they want proof." Mamba smiles. "Ah, you need the contract." He says. "Yes, I do." Mamba picks up a letter opener off the desk. "Lucky for you I know where it is." Mamba jams the letter opener in the crack of the top drawer. He wiggles it around for a little bit and the pries it open like a crow bar. He rummages through the drawer. "Ah, this should be it." He hands me a thick contract with small print. I flip to the last page. "This is the contract." I declare. "But that's not my signature." "What do you mean that's not your name?" He asks. "Well, I remember I had reservations about signing a contract I never read, so I wrote an alias." Olivia grabs the contract. "No, that's not your name, but we can't exactly read it." Mamba taps his fingers. "Does anyone in the village know your name?" He asks. "I don't think so." I reply. Mamba jumps out of his seat. "That's perfect. You don't need a name. Tomorrow we'll make the speech declaring you are the new leader."

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Party Crasher

"Look alive!" Peter shouts, alerting us of the guard creeping through the tall grasses. The hunter readies his bow. "State your business." He says. "I'm alone, and I am unarmed." The guard assures. "Why are you here?" The hunter asks, stilling aiming his bow at the guard. "You are wanted. All of you." "By who?" The hunter asks. "The monarchy is unhappy." "There is no monarchy. We destroyed your monarchy." The hunter screams. "And what would you be referring to?" The guard asks. "We killed your queen." The hunter remarks. "That doesn't matter because we are a monarchy of many, and we will fight as many of you rebels for as long as it takes." He says confidently. "There's only one problem. We're not the rebels anymore." I jump in. "What are you saying?" He asks. "With the queen gone I'm next in command." I explain. The guard winces. "Do you have proof?" "Yes, I signed a document." "Where is it?" He questions. "It's probably in her office. I'm sure I can find it." The guard stops me there. "I'll take you there. But not all of you, and certainly no birds." I grab Olivia's hand."She's coming with me." The guard sighs. "Fine." The hunter lowers his bow. "I'm coming with as well. You need your best fighter for this." "This is a cease fire." He says, annoyed. "I know, but one can never be too careful." The hunter replies. The guard groans. "Fine , but no one else."

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Riverside Celebration

The Royal Cook flew me to the edge of the river. The site where Olivia famously stood her ground against Ruth's dark forces. Everyone was there. Todd, Peter, the falcons, the hunter, and his wife. Everyone. When we landed Olivia gave me a big hug. Congratulating me many, many times. I did not, however, hug back. My arms were limp. My mind was a million miles away. "What's the matter?" She asks. I pull away to respond. "I didn't do anything." "What do you mean you didn't do anything? You saved the day." I point to the burning forest in the distance. "It's something that had to be done." She responds. "Perhaps. But I'm not the one who took her down. Something else got her." "That was me." The hunter chimes in. "You shot her down?" I ask. "I did." "But how? The whole forest was on fire. There was no where safe to stand." I question. The hunter smirks. "I was at the outer edge of the forest." My eyes light up. "You were able to shoot her from that distance?" The hunter nods. "I don't mean to brag but I am the best archer." I look the hunter straight in the eyes. "You are the true hero of this story." The hunter rests his hand hand on my shoulder. "I may be an incredible shot, but you helped as well. You trapped her for me." "I suppose I did." I say, looking down. "You did help. But we all  had a part in this." With the hunter's words, everyone broke into cheers. "What now?" Todd asks. His voice nearly inaudible over the celebratory sounds. The hunter clenches his fist. "Now, we build a better tomorrow."

Friday, February 12, 2016


It should come as no surprise that a burning branch will spread quickly. I had to let it go. I dropped the branch into the already out of control wildfire. I watched as its orange was enveloped into the inferno. I sighed quietly to myself. I was now vulnerable. It didn't mater at that point if Ruth were to come back. I could only hang on for so long. I could only trust that this branch wouldn't snap for so long. Ruth must have sensed that my spirits were low because not a moment later I heard her shriek. She terrifyingly flew through the smoke and flames. An impossible feat for a normal creature. Maybe  I had no weapons on me, but I wasn't going to go down easily. As soon as I had the opportunity I was going to kick her face as hard as I possibly could. I watched her fly closer and closer. My blood was boiling. I was ready. Then, when she was within kicking range, she let out a pained cry, and fell to the Earth. She became lost in the bright orange glow. "Don't look down. Look up." A voice shouted to me. I looked up to see the Royal Cook and Penny. "Get me out of here." I shouted back. Without saying another word, the Royal Cook swooped low enough to snatch me out of the tree. With flew off into the sky, with the raging inferno far behind us.

Thursday, February 11, 2016


I did two incredibly dumb things. The first of which was running into a forest. I suppose in a mad dash for your life you don't think much at all. The only thing going through my mind was shelter and safety. Neither one of which would come to pass. The devilish fire breather would make sure of that. I like to say that the crackling wood behind me was a slap in the face alerting me of my terrible decision, but like I said, I did two dumb things. It gets much worse. I climbed the tallest tree I could find. When I reached the top all I could see was a blazing inferno consuming everything and everyone in its path. My only hope of escaping now would be to catch a ride from a falcon.
A falcon did show up, but only to finish the job. Ruth circled my tree many , many times. It made me quite dizzy. I didn't want to follow her with my eyes, but I didn't trust her one bit. She might strike at any moment. I scaled back only to have the branch I was resting on snap. I fell a foot. Luckily I was able to grab hold of branch on my way down. As I dangled, I noticed the end of the branch caught fire. With little time on my hands, I reached out and grabbed some of the flaming branch. I now had a potential weapon. Ruth circled around me slowly at first. Then she moved in for the attack. I raised my branch defensively. She screeched, and flew off. More than likely, she will be back.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016


That something that grabbed Ruth's attention was me. I played the role of David, tossing a rock at the back of her head. Unlike David, however, my Goliath did not tumble. Ruth peevishly turned to me. Her eyes were burning with anger. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a sword by my feet. Dare I pick it up? I had to defend myself somehow. I started to crouch. She opened her mouth, preparing to incinerate me. I stood up. She closed her mouth. It was obvious now that she was toying with me. Neither one of us moved for a moment. I knew she was much faster than me, but I also knew I had to fight to survive. I needed that sword. Trying my best to throw her off, I shot my arm out while still staring her down. She blasted a stream of fire directly beneath my arm. It instantaneously disintegrated the sword. I swallowed hard. She obliterated the only visible weapon, and I wasn't quick enough to snatch more rocks. I thought she had me. I then did the only thing I could think of. I backed away slowly. To my surprise, she stood perfectly still. I kept backing up, watching her get smaller and smaller. When I felt confident she wouldn't chase after me I turned around and ran for it. I ran like hell. I guess hell isn't fat enough because I could literally feel her breathing down my neck.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Too Hot

Ruth blasted the bubble with a steady stream of fire, creating a somewhat greenhouse effect in the process. Everyone inside was sweating profusely. "How much longer can you hold her off?" Peter asks. "I don't know. This has never happened before." Olivia replies, shakily. Olivia appears as though she is about to collapse. "I have to lower the shield." She says. "No. don't do that. We'll all die." Todd shouts. "Well, things are looking pretty bleak right now anyways." She responds. Olivia doesn't want to lower the shield either, but she knows she might not have an option much longer. She is being forced to fight. She stares into Ruth's eyes. She watches as the flames bounce off her pink walls and then suddenly they stop. Ruth halts her fire breathing, and opens her eyes wide. She turns her head away from the bubble. Something, or someone successfully grabbed her attention.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Sneak Attack

In my mind I could find no fault in sending my men to fight Ruth in her falcon form. One of two things could happen. Either Ruth would be able to take down the entire division by herself, or my men would defeat her. Both outcomes would be favorable. The latter, however would be  preferable. With a boss out of the picture, I could easy sway my men to build a better society. I watched them steadily creep towards Ruth, swords and spears ready. Just as they are about to pounce, one of the men steps on a twig, alerting Ruth in the process. She twirls around with her wings fully spread. She knocks over every single one of the soldiers in the process. She then opens her beak wide and lets out a very primitive, unfalcon like roar. It reminded me of the T-Rex from Jurassic Park. It that weren't scary enough, she shot a stream of fire at the soldiers. They were all so terrified that they ran for the hills. Some of them dropped their weapons. Ruth, pleased with herself, turned back to the bubble. She breathed a constant stream of fire at it. I hope that Olivia's bubble can withstand the heat, but I don't want to stick around to find out. I can not stand idly by any more. I have to fight the monster.

Sunday, February 7, 2016


I watched the bizarre starring contest between Ruth and Olivia from the safety of some nearby bushes. After many minuets my men became antsy. They were tired of waiting. "Was is this shit? Nothing's happening." One of the soldiers blurts. "Be patient." I insist. "Why should  I be patient?This is madness. I want blood." He replies. "Oh yeah, what are you gonna do?" I ask. He starts to stand with his fists tightly clenched. "I'm gonna kill that bird. That'll drive them out." "Yes, that is a brilliant idea." I say. I instruct the rest of the troops. "Everyone. Get that bird."

Friday, February 5, 2016

New Bird

"They're gone!" The baker shouts joyfully. "I wouldn't celebrate just yet." Olivia warns. "She's right. Now's the time when we should be ever more vigil." Peter adds. "Why? We clearly scared them off, and even they came back there is more of us then them at this point." Todd questions. "Don't be stupid." Olivia scolds, not taking her eyes off the bubble. Ruth took this opportunity to land. She sat in front of the bubble and glanced in. "Is that one of ours?" Todd asks. "No." Peter says without hesitation. "But how do you know?" He asks. "I just do. Olivia, what ever you do do not let her in." Ruth lowers her head and coos pitifully. "I repeat. Do not let her in."

Thursday, February 4, 2016


I weaved through the grass maze without anymore interruptions. There was, however, one hiccup. Apparently the soldiers at the front line did not get the message to scat. Not only that, but they were attempting to break through the protective, pink bubble. I had to do something. I grabbed the nearest soldier I could find and threw him to the ground. I didn't have any time to celebrate my minor victory. Three soldiers immediately came to aide their fallen comrade. They drew their swords on me. "Traitor." One of them shouts. "I am no such thing." I reply. "Oh yeah? Then what's this all about? Why did you attack him?" He asks. "I had to. You guys were being idiots. I already gave out the orders to pull out the troops." "Orders?How could you give orders?" "Because I am the general." The three soldiers laugh. "If you are the general, then why aren't you dressed like us?" I roll my eyes. I should have figured I'd have to give them that speech again. "I can't be dressed like you because I'm the general. I have to stand apart. It shows authority." "I don't know. Something still doesn't feel right." He says. "Look around you. There are no other troops here besides yours." I explain. The soldier takes in my words. It appears as though he is about to make a decision when a falcon cry can be heard in the sky. "Son of a bitch. One of them got loose. " He says. "Yes, it did." I reply. The soldier lowers his sword. "I know what we can do. We can hide out and wait for the falcon to land. That may give them a false sense of security, and then we attack." I have to admit, his plan could work. Assuming that is, that Olivia keeps up her force field, and I am able to get Ruth first.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Under Attack

The soldiers at the front lines hacked and slashed at Olivia's pink bubble with their swords. Luckily, the bubble was able to take the hits. However, the continual attacks where a bit concerning for everyone else inside. "How many blows can this thing withstand?" Peter asks. "Unlimited, as long as I keep my concentration." Olivia replies. A loud falcon cry was heard overhead. "What was that?" Olivia asks, keeping her concentration. Peter glances at the sky to see Ruth circling directly above them. "I don't know, but it's not one of ours."

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

"Thank You"

The Cook walked the hunter outside. There they saw Penny grazing. The cook cleared his throat to get Penny's attention. "Is there something that you would like to say?" The cook asks like a parent trying to instill manners to a wayward child. "Yes.. thank you." "And?" The cook says. "You really helped me out. I probably wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you." Penny caws cheerfully. "Yes, I mean it. Every word." Penny nuzzles up on the hunter. "Hey get off me, would ya?" The hunter pulls back. "What will you be doing now?" The cook asks. "My work isn't done. I have to save my wife... and the others, but mostly my wife." Penny flaps her wings, excitedly. "What's all that about?" The hunter asks. "I think she wants to come with." "No." The hunter scolds. "Why not?" "I don't owe it to her." "No, you don't, but she could be helpful. She's already proven to be." "I go alone." He says sternly to Penny. "Why are you refusing her help?" "I don't need her." "You already said that. What is this some sort macho thing?" The cook asks. The hunter sighs. "I don't know how to fly." He tells the cook in a whisper. "Oh, that's no problem." The cook replies. "Yes, it kind of is." "No it's not. I know how to fly." "You would fly that thing?" The hunter questions. "Yes, I would." "You would fly that into battle?" "Yes." The hunter stares at the cook stone faced for a moment. "Isn't that against your interests?" He asks. "As I told you I'm the cook. I don't have political allegiance to anybody." The hunter takes a deep breath. "Fine. I'll be land and you'll be air."

Monday, February 1, 2016


The hunter stands on the balcony overlooking the lush, green valley. He sips on a piping hot homeopathic tea. "I see you are doing better." The Royal Cook says from the other room. "I am a bit." The hunter replies, still looking out into the distance. "My wife is out there somewhere." He continues. "Any idea where?" The Cook asks, stepping onto the balcony. The hunter shakes his head. "Safe, I hope." There is a brief moment of silence. The hunter takes a sip of his tea. "What do you think of it?" The cooks asks. "What's in it?" "Not poison if that's what you're getting at." "Doesn't hurt to ask." "No, but it does get annoying after a while." The hunter smiles. "I have to keep my guards up." The cooks sighs. "If I wanted to kill you I would have done it a while ago." "You think you could actually kill me?" The hunter says, smugly. "Anyone could have in your condition." "That's what you think. I had a plan all along." The cook rolls his eyes. "Unbelievable. I save you and not only is gratitude  throw out the window, but you act like you are indestructible." "That's because I am. I'm here, aren't I?" The cook shakes his head. "I imagine you'll be taking off now." "I have to. I have duties." "Right, well your bird is outside." "I won't be needing him." "But she also helped to save your life." "She did?" The hunter questions. "Yes, she did. So, you at least owe her a thank you." The hunter puffs. "You think this is stupid, don't you?" "I do." "I don't care. You're coming with me, and you will say thank you to that bird."