
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

To Do

Love is the answer. Love is the answer to just about everything. The only acception to the rule I can think of is a math related question. One can't really raise their hand and say "Love" when asked about algebra. Otherwise, everything goes back to love or a lack there of. I know it sounds simple and childish, but it makes sense. At least to me it does. Some of the most amazing, beautiful creations have been formed out of love. Some of the most chaotic, nightmarish, gruesome scenes were created as a result of a lack of love....It's strange, I feel very New Agey today. Maybe It's something going around. Maybe I'm just getting older. Don't worry though, I have no plans to retire my red hood and cape. I don't think I could ever do that. If I live to be one hundred I'll still be going on adventures. Still be questioning things. The world needs me. I'm not sure of what just yet, but I know it does. What will change is that I'm going to try to get rid of my inner conflict. The one that tells me I can't do things. The one that tells me I'll always fail. It does not serve me much good, and I know no one would like to hear me complain. I don't want to hear myself complain. Transformation is not an easy task, but I do know it is possible. The road ahead is uncertain. This I have known for quite some time. I will try harder than ever to get past every obstacle, if nothing more just for my next grand adventure.

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