
Thursday, July 31, 2014

Following the Footsteps

Wandering around aimlessly, seeing where these footprints lead is a great way to start the day. No, that was not sarcasm. There is something fun about it. It's like a mini mystery to uncover. I doubt treasure will be at the other end, but you never know. The footprints are wild. They go in all sorts of directions. They start out in in a perfectly straight line. Then they make a U turn. It goes around in circles for a bit. After that they leap, and another leap and another leap. Are we following a small child? Eventually the footprints straighten out. We follow them along a path in to a forest of tall, thin, pine trees. The sandy footprints are now replaced with mud footprints. We travel deeper into the forest. The footprints seemingly stop at a tall pine tree. We look up. Nothing in sight. Should we climb?

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