
Thursday, October 30, 2014

The Factory

The sounds of the marching workers grow fainter. It' enough to drive us forward though, and if we can not catch up with them? No problem.  We would just be right back were we started. But we keep going along the old, gravel path kicking stones here and there as we walk. One can almost here the clop clop of horse hoofs.  An ancient memory that still seems nearby on this dusty trail. The trail makes a wide turn and goes up a steep hill. At the very top of this hill is a massive gothic factory.  It's color is charcoal black. All of the small windows are cracked and broken. There are several chimneys that puff thick, black smoke into the sky. " This looks like a welcoming place." I say to Olivia as I open the creaky gate leading up to the factory. We carefully open the front door. It's loud squeaking is hushed by the sounds of buzzing, sawing, and hammering. As soon as we step foot in the factory, there is a narrow, metal ladder. We climb to the top to find ourselves on a catwalk that overlooks all the workers. Some are welding, some are machinists. All are toiling away. " I don't think I could ever do that." I tell Olivia. " You mean you don't want to? Or you physically can't?" She asks. " Both. Don't get me wrong, I have a lot of respect for anyone who can do this day after day..." " But?" She says trying to pull words out of my mouth. " But its so physically demanding. I don't know. Maybe I'm just lazy." Olivia shakes me. "Snap out of if. You're right they probably are under appreciated, but that doesn't make you lazy because you would never consider doing that line of work." I nod my head and continue to stare at the workers. " Besides..." She continues. "If you really want to go down that road you could say we are under appreciated." I turn my head to Olivia. She smiles with her eyes, knowing that I have her full attention now. "We have seen a lot of weird shit. No one will ever be able to fully comprehend that. Even if we were to somehow fully explain everything." She states. "You're right." "But that's ok. You know why?" "Because in those situations I like to think of Christopher Walken's character in Seven Psychopaths. You know what line I'm thinking of?" I grin. "Yeah I do. "Fuck 'em."

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