
Friday, May 13, 2016

An Old Aquaintance

By this point, the bonfire was puffing a healthy stream of smoke into the atmosphere. "You can stop now." Olivia says to Jones, who was dropping another pile of twigs into the bonfire. "You think this will do anything?" He asks. "It should." "Who are you expecting to rescue us?" Jones asks. "I don't know. I guess anybody." "What if sergeant comes back?" "I suppose that's possible." Olivia admits. "And what will you do then?" He wonders. Olivia shrugs. "Probably get a ride back on the helicopter." "You know she won't be happy with you." Jones says. Olivia nods. "I know, but you realize she won't be happy with you either." Jones takes a deep breath. "What do I do?" "I don't know." Suddenly there is a loud rustling in a nearby bush. Jones jumps up and aims his rifle at the bush. "I'm not afraid. Show yourself." He demands. A raccoon can be heard scurrying out of the bush. "It's just a raccoon." Olivia says, prompting Jones to turn his attention away from bush and back to the fire. "Just a raccoon?" A an angry voice calls out. Olivia and Jones nervously turn to see Norm the raccoon with his arms on his hips. "Did it just talk?" Jones asks. "Yeah, it did, and I don't appreciate you calling me an it."

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