
Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Shoot the Sun

Eagle Eyes handed me his jacket gun. "Ready? On the count of three we blast the thing to hell." I shook my head hesitantly. "One.. " I raised the handgun. It was much heavier then I thought it would be. I had never held a gun, let alone fired one before. I was nervous and couldn't keep myself from shaking. "Two.." I took a deep breath to steady my aim, but then I saw the cartoon eyes staring back at me. How could I do it? "Three!" Eagle Eyes fired his rifle directly into the mouth of the smiley faced sun. It then broke off into a million little, yellow balls of light. The balls of light scattered in every direction. Some went in the abandoned buildings. Others landed in the streetlights. All of them did their part to illuminate the ghost town. In the end the city started to look alive again. I marveled at the sight and thought to myself perhaps Eagle Eyes did a good thing. "Pretty, isn't it?" He asks. "It sure is." I say in admiration, sticking my head out the window. "It's a shame you had nothing to do with it." He says, jabbing my side with his rifle. "What's this about?" "You showed your true colors today." "What are you talking about?" I ask. "You didn't help. Now, earlier you mentioned how you wanted to see your girlfriend. No problem. I'll take you to her."

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