
Friday, March 13, 2015

The Empty Pool

Something about fences saddens me. The idea of "Don't go here " "Don't look here." We're behind a chain linked fence, gazing upon the empty pool. Not the most ideal thing to look at. Still, I don't like the barricade that holds us back. Keeping us out for reasons such as safety , or simply "just because." At least it's not a fence wrapped around a tree. It sounds sacrilegious, but it happens all too often. "This your childhood pool?" Olivia asks. "Sort of. Because of budget cuts and what not, it was empty most my life. By the time the village got their act together I was older and not interested." "Are we in a memory?" She asks. I take a deep breath. "Not any memory I was part of." I state. "What does that mean?" I point my head in the direction of the tree house village. "Because of that we're either in a meta reality or someone's astral vision." Olivia raises her eyebrow. "What's an astral vision?" I step back from the fence and think for a moment. "You hear of the concept of the universal mind?" I ask. "That all thoughts and ideas are connected?" She says, hesitantly. I nod. "Reality is influenced by how we think. Not just our personal lives, the physical world as well. " "Are you saying we can change the weather?" She suggests. "Absolutely, but you'd have to get many, many people together with the singular thought/ goal in mind to change the weather to their liking. Maybe you could convince a relatively small group, but a mass amount? No , I'm highly doubtful." I finish my speech. Olivia piers up at me with interest despite the skepticism in her eyes. "You don't think it's possible?" I ask. "It's fun to think about, but I don't know." I bite my lip. "Alright. How about this? You know those grey days where you wish it'd rain, but it never does?" "Yeah, what about it?" "When it finally rains, as unpleasant as it is, doesn't it feel better?" Olivia steps back. "You're trying to make me see the connection between raining and the emotional release of crying." She says ,with a "you almost got me " wag of her finger. "When it rains, maybe that is the Earth crying for all the war, pestilence, hardships, and injustices." I suggest. Olivia looks deep into my eyes and witnesses my sincerity. "You're a little crazy, but you could be right." She admits. "Thank you." We continue to gaze into the empty pool, wondering whose imagination we are apart of at this moment.

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