
Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Preparing Breakfast

It took some time for Norm's schock to wear off , but when it did he was good as new. I'm sure he was pretending it didn't happen, but the way he was going on you wouldn't think anything. He was cracking jokes about Freddy's morning breath , and the two of them explored the Willow Tree while Olivia and I made breakfast. "It's good to have him back." Olivia says as she flips a pancake. "It is, but I'm wondering again if we should stay here." Olivia shrugs. "We may never know who's house this was originally, but it's ours now." "I guess I could get behind that. I guess I could believe this house was put here for us." "There ya go." Olivia exclaims. There is a brief silence. "Something else is on your mind isn't it?" Olivia asks. "What do you think that yellow globe does?" "I don't know." "How do you think we use it?" "I don't know." "Don't you care?" "Not really." "But Sgt. Rodgers told us to use it. She said it was our way out of here." Olivia raises her arms. "Why would we want to leave this place?" "Not here specifically, but the city." I say. "Eh. We can figure out what that thing does after breakfast." "You promise?" I ask. "Yeah, sure. Now go get Freddy and Norm. Breakfast is almost ready."

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