
Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Recovering Treasure

Olivia hushes Mr. Bones. He slants his head. "What was that strange noise you made with your lips?" He asks. "I'm trying to get you to be quiet." She says. "Why?" "Because the world isn't ready to see a talking skeleton." I explain. Mr. Bones chuckles. "I scare kids all the time, but no one ever believes them." "That may be, but I prefer to keep this as quiet as possible." Olivia tells him. Mr. Bones shakes his head. "Suit yourselves. What brings you here anyways?" I point to the shield. "That." Mr. Bones lifts up the shield and stares at it. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" He says. "It is. And I would like it back." "C'mon. You know the rules. When you're with me, you gotta leave something behind. " He explains. I stare at him for a moment, annoyed. "You knew where it was the whole time, didn't you?" I ask. "Of course I did. But, you know, it's not like you needed it. The thing was weighing you guys down." "That may be, but we need it now." I tell him. "For what?" He asks. "To buy a library." Olivia says, calmly. Mr. Bones scratches his head. "That's ambitious." "It is, so can I have it back?" I demand. "No." "Why? All you're gonna do with it is pretend to be a character from Jason and the Argonauts." Mr. Bones laughs at the comment. "You're not gonna leave me alone, are you?" "No." "Ok, I know this night watchman. His name is Gus." I decide to cut him off then and there. "No, we take it now." I grab the shield from his bony hand. Immediately a loud, pulsating siren goes off. Mr. Bones hangs his head. "And that's why we should have went with my plan."

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