
Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Bella Flowers

Bella Flowers opened up right next door to Norm's Fantasmagorical Fountain Shop. I have no idea when exactly it got there. It could be when I was playing card games with Freddy. It could have been earlier. It seemed the city and all it's inhabitants were remembering who they were at an alarmingly fast rate. Olivia and I went to Bella Flowers to check it out. It was interesting. Unlike any flower shop I had been to. Imagine being in a cluttered antique shop, but replace the antiques with plants. It was filled wall to wall with plants and flowers. It was amazing, but I had to watch were I was stepping at every turn. It was that packed with plants. Olivia and I walked  single filed. "Hello?" A timid voice calls out from the back of the room. "Is someone in here?" "Yeah, we wanted to check out your store." Olivia says. "I'm sorry. I'm not open yet."  "But the sign on your door says otherwise." I reply. "I'm afraid that's a mistake. I must have it facing the wrong way. Please, it's not ready to be shown to the public." "If it's not ready to be shown to the public I can only imagine what it will look like later." Olivia says. "Are you insulting my store?" The voice shouts, but still sounding a bit timid. "No. Quite the opposite. I think they're beautiful." Olivia says looking at one of the many brightly colored flowers. "What did you say?" "I said they're beautiful." Olivia repeats. Then, the woman seemingly appears out of now where. As if she was hiding in the folds of a gigantic plant. She is tall and thin. She has crazy, black, curly hair. She wears granny glasses and has the biggest smile. "You think they're beautiful?" She asks. "I do." Olivia says. "Good because I named the store after me. It's Bella. It means beautiful. Come on, I'll show you around."

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