
Friday, December 30, 2016

Up and Up

Olivia knew she had a duty to perform. She knew she had to protect Norm. Perhaps she looked at him and saw a cute, defenseless creature. At any rate she knew she had to escape. Olivia rounded the corner. The first thing she saw was a fire escape ladder. Olivia jumped multiply times, but she could not reach the ladder. Norm saw her struggling and took it upon himself to help. He scaled the side of the building, hopped on the fire escape, and lowered the ladder for her. Olivia wasted no time and climbed up to Norm. "Thanks." "Don't mention it. You want to hide in this studio apartment? It looks cozy."  Olivia shakes her head. "No. It's too close to the street. They'll find us right away. We have to go up." "You don't go up. That's how the kids get killed in every horror movie." "We're not in a horror movie." Olivia says calmly. "I suppose you're right, but lemme do one thing." Norm raises the fire escape ladder. Olivia smiles approvingly. "Good thinking. And now up."

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