
Saturday, March 4, 2017

"Band's Breaking Up"

Olivia and I grabbed a drink with the Box Elders. Initially, I was thrilled to be invited for a drink with the band. Then, however, reality sunk in. I realized that they were four very unhappy creatures. They barely acknowledged me or Olivia. They all more or less sat in their own individual islands of melancholy. Perhaps wondering if indeed the best years of their lives were long since gone. It seemed odd to me that the band that was so full of life could barely utter a word now. I suppose it was all a well crafted act earlier. As if he could hear my thoughts, the singer leaned over to me. "The band's breaking up." "What? Why?" Olivia says. "Can't do this anymore. We're getting too old." "You guys don't look old." Olivia assures. The singer smiles. "You're sweet, but as a band you gotta know when it's time to stop." "So, you're really breaking up?" I say. The singer nods. " 'Fraid so, but at least you guys got see one of our last shows." "One of your last?" Olivia questions. "Yep. We decided a while ago we wanted to quit. The low turnout and lousy pay tonight is what put us over the edge." "What did they pay you tonight?" It was a question that I was surprised jumped out of my mouth. The singer gave me a sideways glance. "Didn't your mother mother ever tell to not ask such questions?" "She did." The singer sighs. "If you must know, it was  $50." "That doesn't sound too bad." I say."No, not individually. I mean we only got $50. Which is roughly about $12 split four ways." "That's fucked up." Olivia says. "Tell me about it. But the real sad part is when I was younger that seemed like a lot of money. Now I know it's nothing. Oh well." The singer raises his drink and takes a swig. A second later an intentionally loud, distorted feedback blast throughout the bar. We all turn around to see a particular scary group of cockroaches taking the stage. The singer talks into the microphone. "We are Infest and we will ahhhhhhhhh." His words dissolve into nonsensical, pained, wailing. The music is fast and aggressive. The box eldder singer turns in his seat. His throws some money down on the bar. He shouts "Fuck this noise" as loudly as can over the music. He storms out of the bar followed closely by his band mates. Olivia and I , not wanting to stick around, follow his band mates out the bar.

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