
Wednesday, July 15, 2015

All Done?

With a slightly renewed sense of purpose I went back to the drawing board. We worked mostly in silence as we were determined to finish before another day was done. When I placed the last book on the shelf I stared up in wonderment on our job well done. We had just about every sub genre imaginable. It was a proud moment. Until I turned around to see a massive pile of books still on the floor. "How is that possible?" I shout. Malory scratches her head. "This didn't happen last time." "Did we do something wrong?" Olivia asks. "I don't think so." Malory says. "What should we do?" Olivia wonders. "I'm not re doing it." I blurt. "No, I can't say I blame you." Malory replies. "We need to do something with those books." Olivia says. I think for a moment. "What if we left them in a box?" They both look at me as if I'm crazy. "No one knows we have new books, what if we just switch out the books on the shelves every so often?" "I've never head of that before, but I kinda like it." Malory responds. I smile. "Good. Now we have to tell the public about our new library."

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