
Monday, August 17, 2015

Peter Delegates

Peter is uneasy. It is out of character for him to be this way. On any other day he would be calm and collected. Not too long ago his beloved falcons spoke of revenge. He calmed their nerves with a bedtime story, or shall I say late afternoon story. They could wake up with bright eyes and open hearts, but there is still a chance they have not forgotten their devious schemes. Even the normally level headed Penny could be swayed by mob mentality. Peter does not like this one bit. He whistles as loudly as he can. A moment later Max, the bellboy shows up. "Is there a problem?" Max asks. "There may be. I need you to go to the stables." Peter says. "The stables? But why?" "I need you to check on the falcons." "Are they sick?" Max asks. "No, they are alive and well." "Then what's the problem?" "They may be unruly." Peter says. "Then we should bring in an expert such as yourself." Peter places his hands on Max's shoulders. "I have taught you all I know. You can do this." Max appears ill at at ease. "I'm sure I can, but I can also manage your post. You taught me that as well." He says. Peter nods. "That I did, but I need to stay here. You need to go." Peter insists. "Why?" "Do you remember the ones I was telling you about? The ones that refused to acknowledge their summoning?" Peter asks. "Yes." "If they come back by their own means, like I believe they will, they should see me. I know how to deal with this." Max looks down. "You can do this." Peter assures. Max takes a deep breath. "Ok, I'll do it. I'll report back any problems." Peter shakes his head. "There won't be any. You can do this."

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